Rack Safety Mesh
Rack Safety Mesh The MonkeyMESH® Backing System is a competitive easy to install, modular backing solution that delivers outstanding safety, compliance and performance benefits to warehousing and storage facilities.
Specifically engineered to control stock fall hazards (up to 25kg) and manage direction of access to stock, the safety advantages in using the MonkeyMESH Backing System are significant.
A key feature of the MonkeyMESH Backing System is its contribution to fire protection and ESFR sprinkler system compliance. The use of MonkeyMESH ensures dedicated longitudinal flue spaces and supports the effective and targeted distribution of water to a fire as part of an engineered fire solution.
MonkeyMESH is a modular easy to install backing system
MonkeyMESH is also extremely versatile. In addition to being compatible with most rack designs, the modular system allows for the easy installation and replacement of individual components. Instead of expensive and time consuming full-system overhauls, the installation or repair of an individual MonkeyMESH segment can be done in minutes and at a fraction of the cost.
The unique “positive lock” bracket that integrates with a modular reinforced frameless panel design means the MonkeyMESH Backing System combines efficiency in design and competitiveness in application. With an efficient design, quick and easy installation and maintenance MonkeyMESH is a high performing and competitive modular backing system.